CAM Innovation - Custom Automated Machinery

Brazing Machine

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Versatile, Portable, Self-Contained Brazing Machine

More Control than Open Torch Soldering!
Brazing is the fastest and safest way to connect traction motor frame coils. That’s because with Brazing, there is less chance of insulation damage from heat build-up. You get complete process control, more efficient heating and better results!

Complete Traction Motor Stator Brazing System
Mounted on wheels, the MT is a self contained, portable brazing machine with water-cooled tongs; a water-cooled 70 KVA transformer and a machine base, which serves as a 22-gallon (83.3 liter) capacity coolant tank. Its pump moves about 1.25 gal. (4.5 L) of coolant per minute at 55 psi (3.8 bar).

Single or Dual Tong Units for Increased Flexibility
Dual tong machines make it easier to reach all of the connection points in a typical traction motor frame. When not using the extra set of powered tongs they are secured (ready to use) in a conveniently located safety interlocked insulated bag.

Brazing Machine


Brazing Machine

Dual Tong Model’s Interlocked, insulated tong storage bag.

Brazing Machine

Tongs have replaceable, “slide-in slideout” carbon inserts for uniform heat transfer.

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